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May 18, 2011

What Are Superfoods?

Lately there has been a lot of hype about superfoods. It may leave you wondering what superfoods are and how to start receiving their benefits.  Loosely defined, a superfood is a nutrient dense foods with various health promoting properties.  Some are packed with nutrition, other superfoods have special properties that make them highly beneficial for certain purposes.  Basically, a superfood can provide you with more benefit than regular food.
There are many different types of superfood and each superfood carries different benefits:
-Spirulina is a superfood that acts as a vitamin providing your body with the nutrition it needs.
-Chlorella is a superfood that detoxifies the body.
-Maca is a superfood that can stabilize the hormone system and increase strength and libido.
-Chia seed is a superfood that is known for its ability to hydrate and provide strength.
-Goji berries are a superfood that support the immune system and are nutrient dense.

These are just a few of the many types of superfoods available.  A superfood may also have high levels of phytonutrients or antioxidants.  Hytonutrients are the reason that fruits and vegetables have their vibrant and beautiful colors.  A superfood often contains high levels of phytonutrients.  These nutrients generally also have strong health promoting benefits.  A superfood does not have to be a strange and foreign food.  Blueberries are commonly considered a superfood since they have high levels of antioxidants, fiber and vitamin C.  Spinach is another common superfood that is filled with vital green nutrients, as well as iron and vitamin K.
The term superfood has become increasingly common over the last several years.  This may be due to the fact that we are learning more about foods and how to use them.  Recent scientific advances have allowed researchers to find foods that possess extra nutritional value and to classify these as a superfood.
Most types of superfood are easy to eat and enjoy.  Often superfoods are a type of raw food.  Fruits like goji berry, mulberry and pineapple are commonly enjoyed fresh, frozen or dried.  Other types of superfood like spirulina and maca are more commonly found in a powdered or tablet form.  Powered forms of a superfood can be sprinkled onto prepared food, mixed into foods before baking, added to smoothies or juices or simply taken as they are.  Regularly taking a superfood, or several, can be a great way to ensure that you receive the nutrition that you need each day.  A superfood is a concentrated type of nutrition which means that you can get a variety of nutrients without having to eat a lot of the superfood.  The many types of superfood available make it easier to get a complete diet without having to take supplements.  Another benefit of the superfood is the health and healing benefits that may be associated.
Some superfood have medicinal properties as well.  For example, guarana is a superfood that contains high levels of caffeine for natural energy. Goji berries have been shown to help heal the eyes, while Chia seed may lower cholesterol.

Try organic Spirulina & Chlorella

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