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May 12, 2011

Radiation still a problem ?? Don't be fooled by reassurances

The New York Times and other mass media publications have been publishing articles that downplay the dangers of radioactive fallout from nuclear disasters like the Fukushima and Chernobyl disasters. And the Environmental Protection Agency has now stopped testing air, water, and milk samples for radiation despite the continuing release of radioactive materials into the environment from Japan.

The Fukushima disaster has resulted in a nuclear meltdown that has no end in sight. That reactor is still spewing fallout into the ocean and the atmosphere. It may never be brought under control. Chernobyl is still leaking dangerous radioactive materials. Nuclear reactors are fundamentally unsafe. Every one of them is subject to a meltdown situation in multiple unforeseen and even predictable scenarios. Chernobyl resulted in at least one million deaths. How many will Fukushima claim?

And the New York Times pundits have the audacity to remind us that the atomic bomb tests of the 1950s resulted in more persistent radioactive fallout than these nuclear reactor disasters. And what about those decaying barrels of nuclear waste material dumped in the ocean, they ask. And the junked and sunk nuclear submarines in the deep abysses of our oceans. But the New York Times and other media fodder have an agenda - to promote the deadly nuclear energy program.

Everyone is being exposed to radioactive fallout, which is much more dangerous to you than natural sources of radiation. Don't be fooled by fancy graphs of the relative exposure from rocks and x-rays and reassurances about your exposure during airplane travel. Man made nuclear reactor disasters result in radioactive particles that animals ingest. These particles emit radiation. They lodge in body tissues of cows. They are passed through their milk. They enter our bodies through water and milk and rain. They persist in our bodies near vital organs and continue to emit radiation that damages cells and increases cancer risk.

Please be aware that seaweed, kelp, spirulina, chlorella, and other sea vegetable sources that chelate and detoxify radiation exposure may now be radioactive if they are produced in Japan. Some kelp sources have shown elevated levels of radioactivity. Fish and seaweed may be dangerous. Research your sources of these products. Call the manufacturer and ask about their monitoring for radioactivity. Then determine if you are satisfied with their assurances.

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