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October 5, 2011

Japanese secret to longevity-4 in 1 Formula using vegetarian capsule

It is slowly reaching the season of autumn, where temperature difference between night and day is clearly noticeable. This may cause vasoconstriction which may lead to cardiovascular diseases. According to a British research, cardiovascular diseases have a 25% higher percentage of occurring in autumn than in any other seasons. Low temperature may cause instability in the blood vessels, high blood pressure, poor blood circulation and other physiological changes. Coupled with over-eating and lack of exercising lifestyles during cold weathers. In addition, people who suffer from high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, smoking, obesity, and lack of exercise may have a higher risk to cardiovascular diseases.

For cardiovascular health care, health care experts recommend supplements such as nattokinase, red yeast rice, coenzyme Q10 and astaxanthin, these have been reported to be very beneficial for cardiovascular care. Therefore, FEBICO developed a formulated supplement using red yeast rice and natto, specifically aimed at providing cardiovascular care. The formula consists of the 4 above-mentioned ingredients from healthcare professionals, with each capsule containing a high and pure concentrate of 20000 F.U Nattokinase.

Core Ingredients:

The Japanese have been using Natto for thousands of years, and has become a widely used ingredient or food to prevent cardiovascular diseases. The longevity health secret comes from the sticky material on the surface of the natto, which contains a physiologically active substance-Nattokinase. Nattokinase is very effective in dissolving fibrinogen, helps improve the body's natural clotting against thrombosis, and the ability to dissolve blood clots. Consequently, it is often used in the prevention of cerebral infarction, strokes, and myocardial infarction. It frequently supplements, regulates physiological functions, enabling smooth circulation and maintaining good health.

Red Yeast Rice
Ancestors of modern China discovered thousands of years ago the special characteristic of the red yeast rice. It has a bright color, a pleasant aroma, the ability to adjust physiological characteristics, and has been regarded as an excellent supplement since ancient times. Red Yeast rice produces many precious active ingredients during fermentation, such as: Monacolin L, GABA, and anti-oxidant substances. Studies show that Monacolin K is a cholesterol inhibitor, and can inhibit the synthesis of cholesterol, at the same time it can lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and increase high-density lipoprotein (HDL), therefore has lipid-lowering effect.

Astaxanthin is an ingredient extracted from red algae. It is a type of carotenoid, and a natural antioxidant. Its antioxidant ability is equal to 550 times of Vitamin E; therefore Astaxanthin is also called “Super Vitamin E”. It has the ability to protect vascular endothelial cells, avoid damage from free radicals, and prevent arteriosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases from occurring.

Coenzyme Q10
Coenzyme Q10 is one of the important factors of maintaining vitality and youth. The main function of this substance is its participation in the production of energy; it can also inhibit the production of free radicals, reducing free radical damage. The body's organs all contain Q10, especially in organs that use a lot of energy, such as the heart, kidney, and liver. As the body gets older, the amount of Coenzyme Q10 gradually reduces, breathing may also cause consumption of Q10, especially after the age of 40, the Q10 amount in the heart is reduced to about 30%. Therefore, the body needs sufficient supplements of Q10 to help resist free radicals so that the heart can regain its lively function.

Where can I buy it ? Go to FEBICO ONLINE SHOP

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