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July 8, 2011

Prevent toxins from eating organic spirulina, and detox by eating organic chlorella!!

Since the radioactive contaminations of food products from the nuclear incident in Japan, there have been endless reports on food safety. Followed by the more recent E.coli infected German vegetables, consumers are starting to fear and wonder about which foods are really safe.
In fact, food has long been ubiquitous polluted. It was not long ago when we discovered that Chinese milk manufacturers manufactured milk that contained large amounts of melamine, a dangerous plastic. This was done to reduce material costs for the manufacturers. Apart from the man-made pollutants, there are also natural disasters and environmental pollutions that may create unsafe food products.
What is vitally important now is to learn from the recent food contamination issues and look into how one can prevent these pollutants and toxins from entering the human body, and also what can be done to remove the toxins that have already accumulated inside the body. Think of food issues as a turning point for healthy diets, it will be the key of success to healthy living.
Research shows Chlorella’s effect to detox, and Spirulina’s effect to immune.
40 Years ago, scientists have already discovered that chlorella contains the secret to detoxification. Since 2000, Morita K and many other scholars have been conducting animal studies and found that diets that contain chlorella or chlorophyll, can not only reduce dioxin and heavy metal from getting absorbed from the intestines, it can also effectively speed up the discharge of toxic substances.
In 1993, at the International Conference on Applied Phycology, some scholars published researches that claimed Spirulina’s positive effects against radiation. Their research found that Spirulina is a natural absorbent of radiation, which can help reduce the amount of radiation accumulated, and even have the ability to recover children who have been exposed to low doses of radiation for a long period of time.
On 30th June 2011, an organization that protected the Fukushima residents published an analysis, which showed the detected level of radiation in children’s urine. Ten children from the range of 6~16 years old were detected with cesium in their urine, proving that the local children have been contaminated with radioactive material. This also shows that the radiation issue is not yet over in Japan, and it is estimated for the next 10 years or so will still be affected by the radioactive material. Therefore, this is an appropriate time to take FEBICO’s Organic Spirulina to prevent radioactive contamination.
Living in such a highly industrialized environment today, it is not easy getting rid of all the threats from environmental toxins. People should take this opportunity to re-establish good personal habits, more rests, less alcohol, and more exercise will enable the liver to restore its original functions. With the help of FEBICO’s Organic Spirulina and Organic Chlorella, users will be able to reduce and prevent toxic contaminations and achieve a healthy lifestyle!

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