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April 29, 2013

Taiwanese Certified Organic Chlorella Proven to Contain Lowest Heavy Metal!

Taiwanese Certified Organic Chlorella
A certified organic product doesn’t necessary mean that a product is cleaner, or of the highest quality. The organic status is actually a method of producing or cultivating the product. A certified organic product consists of the following characteristics during production.

-No synthetic fertilizers
-No chemicals, herbicides, and pesticides used during the organic Chlorella production
-Natural fertilizers and mediums produced in-house for organic cultivation
-Environmentally responsible
-Large market demand
-High standards. Annual inspection.
-Source of natural vitamins and minerals

A product that consumers should look to purchase under organic status is Chlorella. Chlorella is a product that is very sensitive to the environment and conditions it is cultivated in. Chlorella has been known for its ability to absorb heavy metals inside of our bodies and to get rid of them. Likewise, Chlorella also absorbs the harmful substances if it is cultivated with pesticides, chemicals, herbicides, or any other unnatural additives. Chlorella tablets or powder may appear to be normal under the naked eye, and can only be told of its poor quality and dangers under the microscope. These “poor quality” products may not affect you instantly, but rather affect you in the long term in a slow and deadly way. Under the circumstances that consumers may not be able to tell whether a product is cultivated correctly, consumers should purchase certified organic products to ensure the safety of the products.

A recent article presented by Mike Adams ( clearly indicates that not all organic are safe to use. Chlorella from China, Taiwan, Japan and Korea were gathered and analyzed in independent labs. The results were surprising as organic chlorella produced in China were even more contaminated than non-organic products from other countries. There is strong believes that the reason behind this is because of China’s poor production environment and surrounding. The other possible explanation is because Chinese microalgae farms are all relatively new and lack experience and know-how in microalgae production.

However, not far from China is a little island called Taiwan, which is also known as Formosa meaning “The beautiful island” in Portuguese. Certified organic chlorella produced in Taiwan proved itself to be one of the best quality chlorella that was tested amongst others from the neighboring countries. According to Mike Adam’s report, it is currently the cleanest sun grown chlorella available in the world with only 3.8ppm of aluminum found. To show the quality difference between Taiwan certified chlorella and Chinese certified chlorella, the aluminum found in Taiwan certified organic chlorella is only one-tenth the levels found in Chinese certified organic chlorella. From the article, we can see that this Taiwanese certified organic chlorella producer by the name of FEBICO is currently producing the safest chlorella of the highest quality.

FEBICO is a company who has been in the Chlorella and Spirulina business with almost 40 years of experience in cultivating, screening, packaging, and marketing the best quality organic Chlorella and Spirulina around the globe, Far East Bio-Tec is endeavoring to serve the health needs and expectations of the growing demand of the organic market. FEBICO’s Spirulina and Chlorella are cultured in our strictly controlled, pollution-free culturing ponds located in the beautiful southern county, Ping-dong, in Taiwan.  Estimated to be a market worth more than fifteen billion US dollars annually, the USDA-NOP certified organic Chlorella has placed FEBICO in an advantageous position in expanding into the economically emerging North America regions. FEBICO also holds the stringent Naturland organic certificate for the organic status of its Chlorella and Spirulina in the European community.

It should be the priority of microalgae producers to control and enhance the quality of their products, and also enforce organic production in products such as Spirulina and Chlorella for the better of human consumption.

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